

Cast Biographies:

Ethan Adams - "Pete"

Ethan Adams has participated in competitive speech since he was young. He has placed at the national level in tournaments for both drama and debate. This is his first experience working on a film.

Natalie Sieber - "Susan"

Natalie Sieber competed in drama and speech when she was younger and has acted in a few small stage productions. This is her first onscreen role.

Darius Sellers - "David"

Darius Sellers has acted in several comedic shorts produced by Patrick C. Clinton for Noxima Productions. His most memorable role, Noxima Jones, has acquired quite a following on the internet.

Trey Woodrum - "Will Hataway"

Trey Woodrum has worked as a model as well as played small roles in several stage productions. This is his first onscreen performance.

Karen Credeur - "Jessica"

Karen Credeur worked as co-producer and 2nd assistant director on several book trailers released by Perryscope Pictures. This is her first experience in front of the camera.

Jeff Pearson - "Mike"

Jeff Pearson has quite a bit of experience both on and off camera. He played a leading role in the short independent film "Nailbiter" as well as various smaller roles in a multitude of films including "Only God Can Judge Me" and "Absolution." He also has experience as a producer and director. He co-owns Entertainment Media Productions with Bryce Lyons. Recently he was a finalist in the Tribeca Film Festival's 15 Second Clip Competition.

Mike Clinton - "Dan Paster"

Mike Clinton is an entrepreneur who has mostly worked on the financial end of production. This is his first onscreen role.